November 10, 2020 12.29 pm This story is over 50 months old

University of Lincoln’s COVID cases drop by half

Students praised for self-isolation response

The number of coronavirus cases at the University of Lincoln has dropped by around half in a week.

Last week that 163 students and five staff tested positive for coronavirus. This has since dropped by around 55% to 70 students and four staff.

Some 14 students and one member of staff at Bishop Grosseteste University are also self-isolating due to a positive test result.

This is a slight increase from last week’s overall figure of 13 (nine students and four staff).

Lincolnshire County Council’s Director of Public Health Professor Derek Ward said last week that students “are doing a fantastic job with isolating”.

This hasn’t stopped the number of coronavirus cases continuing to rise in Greater Lincolnshire, with 502 new cases and three COVID-related deaths announced on Monday, November 9.

Meanwhile, a week of mass testing is proposed that overlaps with the end of lockdown between November 30 and December 6 so students can go home safely for Christmas.

A University of Lincoln spokesperson said on Tuesday: “The number of positive cases confirmed amongst our students and staff is 74 (less than 0.5% of our University population).

“Our dedicated team of staff continue to deliver food boxes to any students who require them. All students have access to a wide range of academic and professional services to support them and help them make the most of their time here.

“Residential wardens and Lincoln Students’ Union are running on-campus activities and events, where students can still meet up with friends virtually, keep fit and healthy, and develop new skills. From the moment students join us, they are welcomed into the Lincoln family and our friendly, close-knit community.”‘

Fourteen students and one member of staff at Bishop Grosseteste University are currently self-isolating due to a positive test result.

10 students and one member of staff are currently self-isolating with suspected symptoms and waiting to be tested or to receive a test result.

177 students and five members of staff are currently self-isolating as a precautionary measure because a close contact/member of their household has suspected symptoms or tested positive – see the full data here.