February 10, 2021 5.20 pm This story is over 47 months old

Lincolnshire grandmother jailed for dealing cocaine from her home

Her boyfriend was also jailed

A grandmother who ran a cocaine dealing operation from her Stamford home was jailed at Lincoln Crown Court on Wednesday.

Louise Wallace was arrested in January 2019 after police raided the home she shared with Michael Rowe and found cash and drugs.

Kevin Jones, prosecuting, told the court: “A number of mobile phones were seized including a Samsung phone found in the couple’s bedroom that contained over 3,000 messages.

“That phone showed a direct involvement in the supply of cocaine at street level.”

Mr Jones said messages found on the phone showed cocaine had been supplied on at least 53 occasions to 13 different people with the amounts involved varying between 0.2gs and 42gs.

“There were over 70 messages offering to supply drugs or letting customers know that they were available for purchase.

“It is clear that Wallace had an existing supply business and when they started a relationship Rowe became a junior partner in the enterprise.

“Cocaine was being supplied in significant amounts. There were messages from Wallace indicating that Rowe would deliver the drugs and collect the money.”

Louise Wallace, 36, of Glen Crescent, Stamford, admitted supplying cocaine and offering to supply cocaine between September 1, 2018 and January 20, 2019.

She also admitted possession of cocaine with intent to supply. She was jailed for 28 months.

Michael Rowe, 43, of the same address, admitted supplying cocaine and possession of the drug. He was jailed for 18 months.

A hearing to consider confiscation of their available assets was adjourned until June.

Judge John Pini QC, passing sentence, told them: “It is clear, Wallace, that you had an existing supply business which Rowe joined as a junior partner.

“It is a sad case but dealing drugs, particularly Class A drugs, requires immediate custodial sentences. These offences have to have deterrent sentences so that others get the message.”

Neil Sands, for Wallace, said she has four children and a grandchild and has no previous convictions.

He told the court that Wallace was introduced to drugs by a previous partner who was a dealer.

“In August 2018 that man was arrested, removed from the property and never seen again. However there was an element of financial support that he had provided.”

Mr Sands said that after the man left Wallace continued selling drugs herself to help make ends meet.

“There is no suggestion of a luxury lifestyle. It was putting food on the table and shoes on the children’s feet. She knows it was wrong.”

Sunil Khanna, for Rowe, said he had been a drug user in the past but in 2004 moved away from the area and got himself a job.

“For the next 14 years he was living a normal family life. Then in 2018, through no fault of his own, his job ended.

“He found it extremely difficult to cope. He had a mini-breakdown and began using drugs regularly.”

Mr Khanna said Rowe moved back to Lincolnshire and later began a relationship with Wallace.

“He was only involved in this for a number of weeks. Since the police raid neither of them has used drugs.”