March 11, 2021 2.18 pm This story is over 46 months old

Developer hopes for more as plans for 42 new homes submitted in Scotter

Plans could expand

Developers are seeking final approval on plans to build 42 new homes in a Gainsborough area village — but want more if their land’s boundary can be expanded.

Shaun Hunt of HG Homes submitted proposals for land west of North Moor Road, in Scotter, to West Lindsey District Council.

The site has outline approval for 51 homes but the developer reduced the number due to “suboptimal” layout . However, they said if the plan’s boundaries changed, they could bring the number back up.

Documents before WLDC said the original plans “contained no single-storey dwellings and garden sizes in general are poor”.

“The reserved matters proposal will address these issues with larger garden sizes, a mix including single storey dwellings and better spatial separation from the existing dwellings,” it said.

The developers also improved public space provision, accessibility and countryside views.

However, the documents note that if the application boundary “could be revised to incorporate part of the field to the west” further changes could be made.

This included allowing HG Homes to build 51 homes, improve public space further and create better financial viability, which they said resulted “in an improved level of contributions and affordable housing provision”.

How the development would be laid out, also showing the field the developers want to expand the plans into.

A separate application is set to be made to West Lindsey District Council but has not yet been submitted.

Several neighbours have already submitted comments about the plans, raising concerns around traffic, affordable homes and flood risk.

Kevin Wilson said: “This stretch of road is known locally as “the Scotter Race Track”, and must be a concern given the frequent parking of the police enforcement van at the junction with Messingham Road.

“My concern is that building houses that have drives directly onto North Moor Road will increase the risk of an accident as drivers will probably have to reverse out onto the road.”