March 17, 2021 1.43 pm This story is over 46 months old

Nearly 100 homes approved in Grantham village

Outline plans considered acceptable

Plans for nearly 100 homes in a Grantham village have been approved, but councillors urged developers to take note of concerns.

AFS Dean Ltd’s outline proposals for up to 96 homes on land north of Wilsford Lane in Ancaster were given the go ahead by South Kesteven District Council’s planning committee on Wednesday.

Councillors also agreed access to the site from Wilsford Lane in the south-west corner of the site, which will include widening of the existing footpath and roadway.

Officers confirmed the site was already allocated for development in the area’s Local Plan and praised the highways improvements as well as the retention of hedges and trees and a new landscape buffer.

Councillors, fearing being “taken for a ride”, sought reassurance over the control they would have at the more detailed reserved matters stage, the road layouts, highways issues and the amount of affordable housing.

Councillor Charmaine Morgan said councillors’ hands were “tied behind our backs” in terms of the number of houses, but said points that could be made further down the line should be included.

Councillor Phil Dilks said although he would vote for approval, an indicative plan seen by councillors was “unacceptable” because the road layout was a “dead end” — he instead wanted a loop road.

I really urge that we comment on that in this approval […] the danger if you don’t put that in is when it comes back the applicant will sayoh look but you’ve approved the outline with this indicative plan, and that’s all we want to build’.”

An indicative site layout for the plans.

The development will include 4,900sqm of public space and could potentially include a local play area.

The developer has been asked to pay Lincolnshire County Council £343,983 towards education facilities and NHS England £63,360 for better healthcare.

The indicative layout showed that 30% of the plan could be classed as affordable housing.

Objectors raised concerns over increased traffic as well as the impact on local services and facilities and on local wildlife habitat.

Councillor Ian Stokes, on behalf of Ancaster Parish Council, told the committee there had been a jump in numbers from the original Local Plan’s mention of 35 homes.

“The percentage increase of 96-35 in a village of that size is really very horrendous,” he said.

A full application will be made to the authority, including reserved matters submitted at a later point.