March 9, 2021 4.54 pm This story is over 46 months old

Stamford St Martin’s Park proposals to get go ahead

190 homes, retirement village and office space

South Kesteven District Council will look to approve its plans for a major new development in Stamford on Wednesday.

The authority’s planning committee will be asked to give the go ahead to the St Martin’s Park proposals for the former Cummins Site, which include 190 homes, a retirement village of a further 150 homes and a series of business units.

The factory site off Barnack Road, which will be demolished, is owned by South Kesteven District Council which is working with Burghley Estates, owners of the Greenfield land next door.

The application also includes a convenience store and cafe, as well as public open space and improved cycle and pedestrian access to parkland to the south of the site.

In a report before councillors officers said: “The site offers a sustainable location, together with measures to improve sustainable movement to and from the site.

“It is clear that these are significant potential economic benefits which could come from the development.”

It is hoped around 825 jobs could be created by the development and that more than £2.8 million a year would be brought in by resident expenditure, business rates, council tax and a New Homes Bonus over at least the next four years.

The Cummins diesel generator manufacturing plant closed in 2018 and has been vacant ever since. South Kesteven District Council purchased the site in 2019. At the time, between 350-500 jobs were lost as a result.

How the site would be laid out.

More than 33 objections have been received about the plans, as well as further concerns from the Stamford Bypass Group and the Stukely Court Residents Association.

Officers say there was “significant support” for the principle of the redevelopment, but there was “widespead concern at developing the field to the east”.

Objectors say the plans will cause further strain on local infrastructure including an increase in traffic.

Officers’ transport assessments however, have concluded that the development “would constitute a net reduction in vehicle movements to and from the site”.