April 6, 2021 10.24 am This story is over 45 months old

River Witham footpath to close for a month

Making the path safer to walk down

By Local Democracy Reporter

The riverside path near Newark Road in Lincoln will temporarily close for around a month due to improvement works.

Work will start on Monday, April 12 and is expected to last until Friday, May 7. The footpath will be closed for the duration of works.

During the improvements, there will be an extension of the existing stone footway along the bank of the River Witham, behind the Esso Garage just south of Newark Road.

A stone footway will help protect the bank from erosion. | Photo: Lincolnshire County Council

This will be extended for around 90 metres southwards in order to make the path safer and more accessible, as well as protecting the bank from erosion.

Chris Miller, countryside services team leader at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “The existing path here has become uneven and narrowed, so we’re upgrading it to a more robust stone surface to make sure people can enjoy the riverside path safely.

“Thank you to local residents for bearing us whilst we upgrade this path. I hope these improvements help encourage more people to access this stretch of the Witham.”