April 5, 2021 10.17 am This story is over 45 months old

Three arrested after Easter Sunday disturbance in Lincoln park

A large knife is believed to have been spotted

By Local Democracy Reporter

Three young men have been arrested after a disturbance involving around 15 people at the Arboretum park in Lincoln turned violent and anti-social.

Just before 5.45pm on Sunday evening, officers were called to the Monks Road area of the city to deal with reports of a disturbance.

Some 15 people were seen shouting, fighting and causing worry to the public, before some members spilled into the Co-op store on Monks Road.

It has been reported that one of the individuals was carrying a large knife with him, though this hasn’t been confirmed.

Three local men, aged 18, 19 and 22 respectively, have been arrested on suspicion of affray and will remain in custody for police questioning.

As well as this, a dispersal order has been put in place in the area surrounding the Arboretum and Monks Road.

Inspector Sarah Edwards of Lincolnshire Police said: “It’s such a shame that we saw an incident like this – where a large group of young people were essentially fighting, shouting, and generally causing worry and upset to others in the area – at a time when other members of the public are just starting to be able to enjoy a little more freedom in outdoor spaces because some of the Covid restrictions have started to lift.

“Not only that, but of course the people involved in this could have caused serious injury to others or been injured themselves.

“We’ve still got a lot on questions to ask today and will make sure those involved are held to account.

“We also have officers in the Arboretum area today who will be there not only for members of the public to talk to about what happened but also to make sure that they are there to disperse anyone else who might be thinking about turning up and causing any more trouble. We simply won’t tolerate it.”