July 12, 2022 8.00 am This story is over 29 months old

Red Arrows Trust donates £3,000 to Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance

Part of the Red Arrows’ annual gifting to charity

The Red Arrows have donated £3000 to Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance (LNAA) as part of their annual gifting to charity.

The LNAA is one of the UK’s leading Helicopter Emergency Service (HEMS) Charities, funded purely by donations.

On Friday 8 July, crew members of the LNAA and other emergency services were treated to a spectacular aeronautics display by the Red Arrows, and the air ambulance also made an appearance.

However, as the performance at RAF Scampton was taking place, the air ambulance was called away on a shout to an incident in South Yorkshire.

Wing Commander David Montenego OBE MA, Commanding Officer of the Red Arrows said: “How amazing that a charity we support went out on a shout whilst we are training.

“It is an honour to see their work in action, knowing that the funds we have given will contribute to the great work that they do.”

The air ambulance service is responsible for the medical support of 2.5 million people and has experienced its busiest June on record, with a total of 172 call-outs. It travels three times faster than a land ambulance, with a top speed of 216 mph, and can arrive anywhere in its catchment area within 20 minutes.

The crews, paramedics and doctors are on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and carry blood on board, allowing crews to deliver potentially life-saving blood transfusions.

The Red Arrows’ donation to LNAA will fund the cost of winter tyres for two Critical Care Cars, which operate in Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, and also the purchase of blizzard blankets and warming blankets.

Captain Llewis Ingamells, Unit Chief Pilot for LNAA said: “We appreciate the special relationship that the LNAA has with the Red Arrows. We have participated in military training exercises and attended incidents in support of our military community and we look forward to an even closer working relationship when the Red Arrows become stationed at RAF Waddington opposite our base in October.”

The iconic LNAA helicopter with one of the Red Arrows | Photo: Lincs and Notts Air Ambulance

The Red Arrows presenting their donation to the Air Ambulance team