October 20, 2022 5.00 pm This story is over 27 months old

Mike Parkhill: Facing the global climate emergency in Lincolnshire hospitals

See how ULHT is making changes to benefit the environment

One of the most significant longer-term challenges that the NHS faces is the global climate emergency. Rising temperatures and extreme weather will disrupt care and impact on the health of patients and the public, especially the most vulnerable.

As the largest employer in the county, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust recognises our responsibility to reduce the impact on the environment. This is why we have already started to implement our own Green Plan.

This showcases what we have already undertaken to improve our environmental impact, what more we can do and how our contributions will support the delivery of a ‘Net Zero’ National Health Service by 2040.

It explains how most of the carbon emissions (81%) created by the trust come from sources not under our direct control. The remaining 19% comes from sources that can be controlled or strongly influenced, such as the operation of buildings and from transport associated with the delivery of care (including staff commuting). This is where we are already able to start making a change:

  • Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of face-to-face, telephone and video consultations has increased significantly, reducing the need for travel. 40% of outpatient appointments were delivered remotely in 2020/21 – this included 6,429 video consultations and 240,145 telephone consultations.
  • The pandemic has led to a blended working approach, especially for many office-based staff who now combine a mixture of in-office and home-based working.
  • The Trust predominantly uses paper patient records, but implementation is already underway to introduce a new Electronic Patient Record system.
  • Since 2020, the Trust has delivered energy efficiency upgrades to our estate, including the installation of 12,000 LED light fittings.
  • The decarbonisation of the Trust’s heating systems will become increasingly important to reach net zero emissions. A biomass boiler installed at Pilgrim Hospital, Boston continues to be a leading example seven years after its installation.

These are just some of the changes we have already started. Through our Green Plan, the Trust will work with staff, patients and partners to take powerful sustainable development and climate action as part of the Trust’s commitment to offer the highest quality care to the Lincolnshire community. The plan is available on the Annual Reports and Plans section of our Trust website.

Mike Parkhill is Director of Estates and Facilities at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust