October 20, 2022 1.00 pm This story is over 27 months old

Over 50 supermarket trolleys dragged out of Grimsby river

Part of a campaign to get the river clean again

Over 50 supermarket trolleys were dragged out of the River Freshney in Grimsby with the help of magnet fishermen.

This was the start of a campaign by Freshney Comrades to get the river clean again and other items found included a child’s bike, traffic cones and a pushchair.

Lyndsey Downes and Marc Lawless are two of the people who’ve started the campaign. The next big push is being called their day of action and will take place on April 1, 2023.

Lyndsey told BBC Look North: “We put a bit of a call to help out on social media and we’ve been absolutely blown away by the amount of people that really support the cause.

“At the weekend we had a group of magnet fishers, something I’ve never really dabbled in or known about, and they wanted to come down all the way from Leeds and help. They came at the weekend and helped us to remove over 50 trolleys from this section of the river.”

The campaign has received support from supermarkets, businesses, and local councillors.

Councillor Steve Holland (Independent), who represents the Freshney Ward, said: “At the end of the day it is down unfortunately to a small minority of residents who throw them in the river.

“It doesn’t do anything to help the area, it doesn’t do anything to help our town and we need to work together to try and keep increasing that community pride.”