January 6, 2023 4.00 pm This story is over 24 months old

Council leader sent on £5,500 training course with trip to America

Councillors said it’s inappropriate during the cost of living crisis

South Kesteven District Council paid £5,500 for its leader to go on a training course which included a trip to America.

Councillor Kelham Cook spent four days in Boston in the USA as part of the Future Vision leadership programme in October.

The price of the course has come under fire from opposition councillors as many people struggle with the cost of living.

The council paid a total of £6,600, of which it will get £1,100 VAT back. The programme’s remaining cost was paid for by a bursary.

Councillor Cooke said it was important for members to continue their development, and he paid for his own flight and personal expenses for the trip.

The exclusive course is open to senior leaders across politics, business, the public sector, and also includes sessions in Birmingham and Windsor.

Councillor Phil Dilks (AllianceSK – Deeping St James) criticised the spending, saying: “At the height of a cost of living crisis, a local government funding crisis, and the closure of the Deepings Leisure Centre, the Conservative leader has chosen to send himself on expensive training courses.”

Councillor Virginia Moran (AllianceSK – Market and West Deeping) said she had “virtually to beg the council for permission” to attend a £200 training course when she was first elected.

The Future Vision training in Boston says it draws on relationships with Harvard University | Photo: Adobe Stock

Councillor Kelham Cooke (Conservative – Casewick) defended the trip, saying: “This trip is the only overseas trip I have taken since being elected leader. It is part of the leadership programme that I am currently undertaking which is called Future Vision which is run by the national Leadership Centre and supported by the Local Government Association and ultimately run through the University of Birmingham.

”I was nominated by Lord Porter of Spalding, Leader of South Holland District Council, for the Future Vision programme which supports senior council leaders with leadership development.

“I was successful in being accepted and further applied and gained a bursary to part fund the course; the bursary was also offered to the other council leaders attending on this year’s cohort.

“As part of the extensive 16 whole days of the course, four full days are held in Boston, USA, where I and other leaders from various councils of different political parties, were part of the delegation. I personally paid for my flights and personal expenses.”

The trip has provoked debate amongst South Kesteven councillors | Photo: South Kesteven District Council

He added: “I am a huge supporter of member development, and this year a number of our councillors cross-party have also taken part in the LGA Leadership Academy funded through our member training budget, as we should support continuous development for all members.

“It was also recommended in our recent peer review that we continue to invest further in all areas of political leadership which supports cross organisational working and a focus on the future.”

The course’s brochure says the week in Boston provides “cutting-edge insights, leadership development and learning with peers from around the world”, and draws on relationships with the prestigious Harvard University and MIT.

Councillor Ashley Baxter (AllianceSK – Market & West Deeping) said: “It is shocking that Councillor Cooke has used almost all the members’ training budget for his own personal benefit.”

Deputy leader Councillor Adam Stokes said other group leaders have also received leadership training.

“We offer training courses which are run both internally and externally to all councillors, and budget accordingly to enable continued development,” he said.

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