January 25, 2023 8.00 pm This story is over 24 months old

Lincoln Carlton Centre barriers to curb night-time boy racers’ noise

It will keep cars away from nearby residences

Barriers have been put in place at the Carlton Centre to reduce noise to nearby residents.

They will be closed at night to prevent boy racers and car meets in the parking spaces nearest to people’s homes.

A local councillor welcomed the news after “years of misery” for people who have had to endure the racket.

The Co-op and the local policing team have worked with residents to find a solution.

The barriers will prevent people from accessing parking area close to the housing estates between 8.15pm and 5am.

They were fitted in November and came into action earlier this month.

Councillor Clare Smalley (Liberal Democrat – Abbey) said: “This won’t stop people accessing the Carlton Centre at night, but will move them away from the buildings.

“Residents have had ten years of misery from noise at night, and sadly there has been some health concerns as a result.

Barriers have been installed at the Carlton Centre to reduce noise to residents at night | Photo: Submitted

“This is a great example of everyone working together. We held a resident meeting with the police and Co-op, and got shops on board with the plan.

“It should certainly be quieter and will hopefully have a positive effect.

“The Co-op takes anti-social behaviour very seriously, and has two members of staff to monitor the car park.”

Dispersal orders were also brought in last year after reports of large groups of youths causing problems.

A 15-year-old girl was banned from the area through a civil injunction.

Police say they have had success in restoring calm to the area during shopping hours.

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