February 20, 2023 8.43 am This story is over 23 months old

In memory of Ilona: One year on

RIP Ilona

It’s one year since the body of Ilona Golabek was discovered at Witham Way County Park in Boston.

Ilona wanted to end her relationship with her partner and he ended her life, while her three-year-old daughter slept.

Kamil Ranoszek was sentenced in October 2022 to life in prison for her murder, but this tragedy remains irreversible. There is no justice for a child left without her mother.

Ilona’s case is domestic violence at the most horrific end of the scale; brutal, heart-breaking and devastating. But there are people, disproportionately women, who are enduring behaviour today from an abusive partner. They live with jealousy, suspicion, rage and control. They are gaslighted, belittled and ridiculed.

Those who were involved in this case will never forget Ilona. In her memory we will continue to take every opportunity to raise awareness of the support available for domestic abuse, which can be accessed regardless of if you report to police.

SAFE SPACES – available in pharmacies where you can access a phone and advice, in safety, away from your abuser.
SILENT SOLUTION – if you need to call us and speaking would put you in danger, don’t speak. Press 55 when prompted, and we will know you need us.
CLARE’S LAW – also known as the domestic violence disclosure scheme. If you are worried your partner is a risk to you, we may be able to give you information about their past that will help you make a decision about your future. You can also apply under this scheme if you are worried about a relationship that your friend or family member is in.
EDAN LINCOLNSHIRE, a registered charity, helping anyone suffering or fleeing from abuse, available on 01522 510041.
NATIONAL HELPLINE on 0808 2000 247.
Or, if it’s you hurting others, to get help with your behaviour, call the RESPECT LINE on 0808 8024040.
You can find out here about our commitment to tackling violence against women and girls.

Rest in peace Ilona.