March 2, 2023 8.00 pm This story is over 22 months old

New Holbeach Aldi plans to get green light

The plans have support from local councillors

Plans for a new Aldi in Holbeach will get the go ahead next week.

South Holland District Council will be asked to vote in favour of the retail chains plans to demolish existing buildings on Fleet Street and replace them with the 1,803sqm.

The council has receievd 203 letters about the plans with objectors raising concerns over traffic and parking, while supporters say it will tidy up an eyesore site and bring more shoppers in locally.

The plans have been supported by Holbeach Parish Council, however, concerns have been raised regarding traffic management.

Ward Councillors have also praised it for rejuvenating a brownfield site and hope the move will tackle anti-social behaviour and give more shops to residents.

As part of the plans, 110 customer and 17 staff parking spaces will be supplied alongside a HGV turning area for deliveries and acoustic protection along the western and southern boundaries.

Recommending approval, officers said it was “not considered that the proposal would harm the character or appearance of the locality or amenity of nearby residents”.

“Overall, it is considered thet the planning balance is in favour of the proposal and that [it] conforms with the development plan,” they said.

They added highway arrangements were “acceptable” and aligned with outline proposals for the site.

The planning committee will meet on Wednesday, March 8 to make a decision.

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