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Pete Dixon


Pete Dixon is a town councillor for Moor ward in North Hykeham, a member of the Green Party and Chair of the local branch. He works for the NHS at Lincoln County Hospital. Father of a young daughter, he's also a keen biker and enjoys watching Moto GP or a glass of Islay malt.

To a mixed response, I served up a meal with vegetarian sausages recently. My daughter has never much liked meat anyway and I’m becoming increasingly averse to being party to the cruelty suffered by factory farmed animals.

Joining the Green Party had nothing to do with animal welfare at the time, though it’s an issue that increasingly concerns me. I’ve always eaten meat, ask my wife. I cook a good Sunday roast, don’t burn the BBQ, and have never refused the opportunity of a good fry up!

Learning to provide meals without that portion of animal flesh isn’t easy, but I’m determined to keep trying so long as we’re achieving a healthy diet. There’s a compromise in place in that we’ll continue to consume meat produced from genuinely well looked after, locally bred animals. By that I mean respect for the creature’s welfare and natural instincts.

The tide for me has turned and it’s time to make changes. I’m no expert but I accept now that every time I buy a cheap pack of bacon, minced beef or chicken breasts I’m contributing to animal cruelty. Cruelty that, until recently, as long I couldn’t see it, has been acceptable. Manipulative marketing boffins call it wilful ignorance and, hands up, I’m guilty as charged. Given the choice of firing a bolt into an animal’s brain or letting it go, I’d choose the latter and I’m pretty sure most people would too.

Truth be told, much of the meat we consume is produced from animals so intensely farmed, their flesh isn’t worth the bone it’s stripped from. Bred indoors or in cages or spaces with artificial light and no opportunity for exercise. Fed and drugged up with God knows what in order to promote rapid weight gain. Furthermore, the final leg of the wretched lives of many of these animals takes places crammed into crates and cages in lorry trailers and driven dozens if not hundreds of miles overland to a distressing slaughter they must realise awaits them.

We proclaim ourselves a nation of animal lovers apparently insisting on minimum welfare standards. Yet our supermarket shelves are stacked high with meat imported from countries where producers, eager for contracts to supply, operate with scant regard for the animals they farm. And why does this happen? Profit margins!

Supermarkets are forced to compete for market share and have to satisfy investors who demand profitable returns. Importing meat is generally cheaper, animal welfare adds to production costs and abroad, producers are not subject to the same standards we demand of our own farmers. Granted, British meat costs more but it’s worth it and we, the consumer, must create the demand for it to dominate our shelves in place of imported meat.

Buying meat bred in this country brings many benefits in terms of animal welfare economic and environmental issues. For a start it means employment. For those employed, it means a disposable income and spending power which brings more jobs and more money creating real wealth in our local economy. British meat isn’t the cheapest but it’s far better than most. The animals it’s produced from are bred in far better environments than their foreign farmed cousins. Using a local butcher may not be 100% risk free in terms of animal welfare, but we can feel much more confident about how the animal has been farmed.

The best thing we can do to improve things for ourselves, our families and these animals is to use the power that exists in our pockets to buy British. Better still, buy local and actively support change without actually doing anything different at all.

Pete Dixon is a town councillor for Moor ward in North Hykeham, a member of the Green Party and Chair of the local branch. He works for the NHS at Lincoln County Hospital. Father of a young daughter, he's also a keen biker and enjoys watching Moto GP or a glass of Islay malt.

I’m afraid I greeted David Cameron’s recent calls for the teaching of “British values” in schools with equally large amounts of salt and dismay.

Statements of this nature prove two things. Firstly, how little respect this government has for the electorate and secondly how easily they believe they can manipulate us with their spin.

Mr Cameron stated that British values included “…a belief in freedom, tolerance of others, accepting personal and social responsibility, respecting and upholding the rule of law.”

For a Conservative Prime Minister to espouse social responsibility and equality is beyond funny, it’s an outrageous insult on the British people. Why? because Mr Cameron knows it isn’t true.

Under a callous policy of austerity, we have seen a massive increase in the number of foodbanks in our society, whilst The Times recently published its “Rich List” in which the top 1,000 occupants have seen their wealth double since the crash from £258bn to £519bn. Public services are being cut whilst the wealthiest in our society continue to enjoy unjust subsidies and tax cuts supplied by their friendly neighbourhood chancellor.

To talk of tolerance of others whilst the likes of Ian Duncan Smith and his Department of Work and Pensions falsely manipulate statistics through a supportive media in its relentless attacks on the disabled and unemployed beggars belief.

As for a belief in freedom? Only recently this government passed the Gagging Law. A law originally intended to limit the influence of corporate lobbyists in Westminster, the end result is very different. Civil groups, charities, environmental and other pressure groups are all now restricted in what they can do and say in the year before an election. And the lobbyists? No change there!

British values today? The every-man-for-himself attitude, the willingness to ignore the suffering of others and accept without question the distorted rhetoric of our leading politicians. The need to own the newest gadget, the biggest car, the latest phone in order to satisfy the need for possessions of “status” as determined by a free market economy.

These aren’t the values of our grandparents or parents and neither these nor traditional values are adopted in schools, they come from parents and peers. This new brand of values has been forced upon us and to our shame we have not only adopted them wholesale, we are odds on to pass them on to our children without a whimper.

It’s no coincidence this new “issue” comes on the back of Euro and local elections in which UKIP under a “let’s blame the foreigners” banner, gave all and sundry a good hiding at the polls. The Prime Minister and his spin doctors know exactly what they’re doing and it has nothing to do with the promotion of British values. This is the start of a campaign to undo the protest vote put together by UKIP before the general election next year.

Immigration is high on the political agenda, and the coalition government is under attack. Take the potential for a terrorist threat due to religious extremism, throw in our loss of identity and suggest that our children’s education is suffering. Hey presto! one fine recipe for stirring up more irrational intolerance and yet further opportunity for government legislation to limit personal freedom.

The real surprise of the recent elections? Not that so few bothered to exercise their right to vote, not even that so many voted for UKIP candidates. The real surprise was that so many continue to vote Conservative in the facing of rising poverty and inequality. We are fast becoming a nation that knows the value of nothing and holds dear nothing of value!

Pete Dixon is a town councillor for Moor ward in North Hykeham, a member of the Green Party and Chair of the local branch. He works for the NHS at Lincoln County Hospital. Father of a young daughter, he's also a keen biker and enjoys watching Moto GP or a glass of Islay malt.

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