July 27, 2010 11.22 am This story is over 167 months old

Balloons to launch in Lincoln for charity

Up and away: Balloons will be flying across the city next month in order to raise money for charity.

The skies over Lincoln will be awash with colourful balloons next month to raise money for the Meningitis Research Foundation charity. The event is being organised by Lincoln BIG’s Event and Promotions Organiser Rachel Hanson (medallion), in her spare time.

The cause is very close to Hanson, as her two-year old nephew (pictured) was killed suddenly by the Meningitis virus earlier this year. The shock of the death made her determined to help the charity, who are trying to find treatments to prevent the virus.

People are invited to watch the balloon launch on August 12 at 2pm, taking place in the City Square. People are also encouraged to launch a balloon on the charity’s behalf. There will be prizes for those whose balloons travel the furthest.

Hanson is also looking for businesses in the county to sponsor the event in any way.

Source: FoxStar Media | Photo: R Hanson