July 21, 2010 12.12 pm This story is over 167 months old

Lincolnites challenged to Ping Pong game

Ping Pong: Lincoln residents are challenged to take on art organisation Search Party for a big table tennis tournament.

The Lincoln Art Programme series is challenging Lincolnites to a three-day table tennis marathon. The event will take place in Cornhill Square, starting August 2, in the Bank Holiday Weekend.

The ultimate game is hosted by Bristol-based Search Party, who want the public to organise a team and to represent Lincoln against them.

At the event, called Search Party Vs Lincoln, the Lincoln team are encouraged to sing, chant and anything else the crowd would do at a sporting match.

Players can have team talks and comfort breaks, and the game will be accompanied by live commentary text.

So far, Search Party Search have beaten Bristol, Leeds, Kuopio and Barking, drawn against Plymouth, and lost to Battersea, Camberwell, Derby and Newcastle.

“The respect of the city is at stake, will Lincoln rise to the challenge or will Search Party be breaking open the champagne?” teased Search Party.

Search Party is a collaboration between artists Pete Phillips and Jodie Hawkes. The pair make art that re-negotiates the relationship between artist and audience, inviting spectators to become co-collaborators in their live events.

Source: Lincoln Art Programme | Photo: Search Party