August 18, 2010 3.03 pm This story is over 173 months old

Boultham Park day of celebration in store

Fun day: Boultham Park will be hosting a fun day for people in the local area, with plenty to do for families.

Boultham Park will come alive at the end of the week for a community fun day celebration. On Saturday, August 21, Mayor of Lincoln Councillor Geoff Kirby will open the family fun day with a children’s parade.

Called Wings and Things, the parade starts 11am at the bandstand, and features costumes and musical instruments made by the children. The free event is open to all and finishes at 2pm.

The park will host activities and stalls, including a graffiti artist, gladiator duel, boucey castle, children’s entertainers, and sports such as quick cricket and football.

A part of the Neighbourhood Working Project, the event was organised by the City of Lincoln Council and the Lincolnshire Community Development Project (LCDP).

We’re really looking forward to Saturday, and the culmination of all the childrens hard work in the run up to the event,” said Jose Bruce, Neighbourhood Manager for the City of Lincoln Council.

“We have a great community spirit in this area, and this family fun day is a chance for us to celebrate it. I’d like to encourage families to bring picnics along with them on the day and head to the picnic area near the bandstand,” Bruce added.

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Yellow Belly