August 3, 2010 8.45 am This story is over 173 months old

Woman, 66, attacked by four youths

Help needed: Police are appealing for witnesses of a group attack on a woman in the Bracebridge Heath area.

Lincolnshire Police are appealing for information after a 66-year-old woman was assaulted by four youths. The incident took place at around 9.35am on August 1 along Kennedy Road in Bracebridge Heath.

The woman was walking along the road on the way home from church when four white males in their late teens approached her. They were all wearing dark clothing.

One of the males put their leg out in front of her, making her stop, while another pushed her over. The victim sprained her ankle and had a split lip, but was not in need for hospital care.

Despite the limited descriptions of the offenders, officers are asking that anyone in the area, or with any information on the youths should contact them.

Source: Lincolnshire Police | Photo: Google Street View