September 30, 2010 2.18 pm This story is over 165 months old

Local union rallies for Robin Hood tax

Robin Hood: Lincoln’s Unison rally got a “very positive” response from locals opposed to public sector cuts.

Lincoln’s members of public sector union Unison took to the High Street on Wednesday, as part of an international rally to propose a new tax to government.

Lincolnshire Unison descended on the city centre to raise awareness of the Robin Hood Tax, a tax drafted to stop public sector companies, such as the NHS, being cut.

At the rally, members wearing Robin Hood hoodies handed out leaflets and promoted the website, as well as encourage people to sign the petition.

John Sharman, Branch secretary of Lincolnshire Unison said: “The rally’s outcome was very positive. We got good media attention and did a few interviews for radio stations and newspapers.

“People willingly took leaflets and said they would read them and look at the website, and some even signed our petition there and then.”

The Robin Hood Tax would see bankers and other financial institutions getting a tax of 0.05% on every large transaction carried out.

It’s thought the tax could bring around £30bn per year to not only fund the poorest communities and public sectors in the UK, but help aid foreign countries and the environment too.

So far the tax has gained support from over 49,000 people signing the petition, as well as politicians like ex-PM Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy.

However, Conservative Lincoln MP Karl McCartney said that cuts are necessary, but the coalition government would be fair.

“Reducing the deficit, putting the finances back on a stable footing and continuing to ensure economic recovery is the most urgent issue facing Britain.

“It is vitally important, however, that these cuts are made in a way that protects the poorest and most vulnerable.

“We will carry out this unavoidable deficit reduction plan in a way that strengthens and unites the country. We’ll be tough but fair.

“Fairness underpins the budget. We will ensure that every part of society makes a contribution to deficit reduction while protecting the most vulnerable. Overall the richest will contribute most to deficit reduction.”

“I do agree we want to see as many front line staff retained to ensure adequate service levels, but as we know levels of bureaucratic management and their remuneration are in some cases excessive.”

To understand how the Robin Hood Tax affects the banks, see the video below.

Photo: Robin Hood Tax