November 9, 2010 4.10 pm This story is over 163 months old

Police send staff redundancy emails

First cuts: Lincolnshire Police started taking the first steps in reducing a budget deficit of £20million.

Lincolnshire Police sent emails to over 1,000 civilian workers asking them if they want to consider voluntary redundancy, according to reports.

Around 60 civilian posts are expected to be cut initially, as Chief Constable Richard Crompton previously said between 80 to 100 support staff will go in total.

The move comes as Lincolnshire Police will have to eliminate a £20million budget deficit over the next four years.

Over the next 18 months 70 officer jobs will also go, with 1,139 uniformed officers remaining at the end of the period.

Separate police divisions across Lincolnshire will also be scrapped (south, west and east), creating a “whole force” model for cost-cutting.

Some have raised fears that more front line services may be cut as a result as Lincolnshire Police seeks to save money.

One of these services could be the Independent Advisory Group (IAG) for Lincolnshire, funded directly by Lincolnshire Police Authority.

“Lincolnshire’s IAG is essential to reducing crime, policing by consent, and getting value for money,” said David Millar, chair of the group.

“We help with major incidents, hate crime investigations and process design, offering ‘behind the scenes’ advice.”