December 15, 2010 11.10 am This story is over 169 months old

Cathedral gets £100k for roof refurb

Funds: The Catherdal was offered a grant to help repair a roof, while Lincolnshire hired a new Historic Churches Support Officer.

Lincoln Cathedral will be one of six cathedrals in the UK to receive a grant towards the cost of a refurbishment.

The landmark will get £100,000 from the Cathedral Fabric Repair Fund, for £219,000 roof repairs on the South East Transept Triforium (pictured).

Lincoln was one of the six successful candidates for the fund out of 18 applicants. The other winning cathedrals were Durham, Ely, Lichfield, Rochester and York.

The funding Scheme looks set to continue over the next two years, as Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England (CFCE) are inviting other grant organisations to join.

Chairman of CFCE Frank Field said: “Here is the first positive move showing that the Big Society is stepping up to the table as Government withdraws some of its funding.

“These handsome grants are entirely due to the generosity of the Wolfson Foundation, as part of its charitable support of excellence in the fields of science and medicine, health, education and the arts and humanities.

“Cathedrals not only have to find the necessary funds to maintain some of England’s most architecturally and historically significant buildings, but 2009 was the last year of English Heritage’s 19-year-old ring-fenced Cathedrals Grant Scheme.”

Chief Executive of the Wolfson Foundation Paul Ramsbottom said: “Cathedrals are the most significant buildings within England’s wonderful architectural heritage.

“The Wolfson Foundation is glad to be involved in maintaining them for current and future generations.”

It currently costs £30k per week to run Lincoln Cathedral, mainly due to workforce and repair costs.

Meanwhile, the Diocese of Lincoln appointed a new Historic Churches Support Officer, who will work with staff in 600 places of worship in Lincolnshire.

The post, taken by Matthew Cooper, is part-funded by English Heritage under a Support Officer scheme.

Cooper said: “I am very excited to have been appointed to this most important and interesting role.

“I am delighted to be able to combine my skills and experience with the subject which is my greatest passion!

“I am looking forward to meeting the many dedicated and hard-working congregations in Lincolnshire to discuss the challenges they face when caring for historic places of worship.

“I will be doing everything from identifying sources of funding to promoting the understanding and renewed use of church buildings to making sure gutters get cleaned and many more things besides, depending on the particular needs of each church.”

Source: The Church of England | Photo: Google Earth