January 17, 2011 4.24 pm This story is over 168 months old

Lincoln to hold digital arts festival

Digital art: Lincoln will be holding a three month-long arts festival around the city.

This autumn Lincoln will be celebrating a three-month-long digital arts festival, with artists from across the globe.

The festival, called Unlocking the City, starts in September and will take part at The Collection, Usher Gallery, Drill Hall, University of Lincoln and the cathedral.

Unlocking the City celebrates all art digitally mastered, such as sound art, projections, lighting and theatre.

There will also be other more unusual areas of the city used for the various artwork and performances taking place.

The University of Lincoln will be playing host to a variety of digital art conferences in November to finish the event.

Dean of the University’s Faculty of Art, Architecture and Design Professor Norman Cherry said: “The festival will involve artists from Lincolnshire, the East Midlands and all over the globe taking the lead in commissioning new work to surprise, excite and delight residents and visitors to Lincoln alike.

“The city will really come alive.”

The festival is funded by the Arts Council, Igniting Ambition Connecting Communities 2011 Festival and County Council’s Community Grant Aid scheme.

Source: University of Lincoln