March 15, 2011 4.24 pm This story is over 159 months old

At last: city-wide green bins edge closer

Wheelie good: More households in Lincoln could end up with green bins if a negotiation with contractors goes through.

All households in Lincoln could benefit from green waste collections if the City Council strikes a deal with its cleaning contractor.

Only 27,000 households in the city are currently offered green bin collections.

Fortnightly green bin pickups could be extended across Lincoln, the City Council said, following negotiations with Cory Environmental.

The council has held two separate contracts with Cory Environmental since 2006, one for waste management and one for cleansing and grounds maintenance.

At an Executive meeting on Monday, the council agreed to enter into further discussions with Cory Environmental to extend its current contracts until 2020.

The extended contract would cost the council less for all the services provided, with estimated savings of more than £1.6 million over nine years.

This would equate to savings of around £180,000 per year, with the possibility of the council receiving £250,000 to purchase new wheelie bins.

The move could then see green waste collections offered to all households in Lincoln.

City of Lincoln Council Leader Darren Grice says he is confident city-wide green bin collections should be in place later this year:

“We have expressed our desire to extend the service to all areas of Lincoln for a while and I’m glad we’re now very close to a solution that will improve the service and save the council money.

“This is a win-win for Lincoln and I’m sure it will be pleasing for residents who haven’t been able to access the service,” Grice added.

As part of the extended contract, the Home Collections Service, which has provided a free collection for household bulky items, and the Elderly or Disabled Persons Bulky Items collection service, would be replaced by a new Assisted Bulky Collection service.

This would see free collections continue for those who have difficulty disposing of bulky items, such as the disabled, those on means tested benefits and older people.

For those who don’t meet the criteria for a free service, a charged service would be available.

Further details on any changes to the green waste service should be made available when contract negotiations are complete.

Source: City of Lincoln Council