March 21, 2011 12.58 pm This story is over 159 months old

Cathedral goes dark for Earth Hour

Climate change: Lincoln Cathedral will help celebrate a climate change event this weekend.

Lincoln Cathedral will be going dark this weekend, as part of climate change event Earth Hour.

March 26 celebrates the world turning off power for one hour to raise awareness of climate change and how everyone can help the environment.

To celebrate in the city, the City of Lincoln Council decided to turn off all the lights at the cathedral.

As well as a blackout, throughout Climate Change Week on March 21 to 27, the council have arranged a couple of activities.

The BBC’s environmental and climate change expert and weatherman Paul Hudson will be doing a talk on March 24 at the EPIC Centre.

He will join a host of other exhibits, seminars and workshops.

City Hall visitors also get a visual explanation of climate change and how they can help reduce their carbon footprint.

Portfolio Holder for the Environment at the City of Lincoln Council Yvonne Bodger is looking forward to Climate Change Week.

She said: “As a council, we encourage people to think about climate change and lead their lives in an environmentally friendly way – through recycling, car sharing and other schemes.

“We also make efforts ourselves, and I’m glad we’re taking part in Earth Hour and educating people about their carbon footprints.

“I hope everyone uses this week as a chance to learn more about climate change and to see what they can do to help in the fight against climate change.”

If every home in Lincoln turned off one light bulb in their house for an hour, the city would save four tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Rich Holman