March 18, 2011 3.32 pm This story is over 159 months old

Lincolnites do something funny for money

Comic Relief: Office staff donned outrageous costumes to raise money for Red Nose Day 2011.

Staff at The Pavilions student accommodation on Ruston Way are taking up a popular student past time of dressing up, all for Comic Relief.

The accommodation office staff decided to make an effort to raise money for the charity by ironically dressing up as students themselves, although styled slightly more juvenile than the normal undergraduate.

Residential Manager Judith Wood explained how the company likes to get involved in charity events to have a bit of fun with students and liven things up in the office.

Wood said: “We haven’t set any targets for how much we want to raise, we just wanted to enjoy Comic Relief and add our own little contribution to the cause.”

All the staff are working under alter-egos for the day with Wood naturally being head girl ‘Rude Jude’.

The rest of the team are Kat Hundt as goth student ‘Black Kat’, Lauren Hazlehurst as geek ‘Loser Lauren’, Ben Tarrant as ‘Beth the Bike’ and Michael Eastwood as ‘Mickie E’.

Proud of their legs, both male members of staff decided to dress as school girls, wearing skirts and tights. 

Michael Eastwood, 20, admitted this wasn’t the first time he had cross-dressed.

Eastwood said: “I do feel comfortable in make-up, I wore women’s clothes a while ago in Ritzy’s night club and even got some male attention.”

Straying from the theme, employee, Dave Cutter, 23, is sporting a mankini for the day, inspired by the Sacha Baron Cohen character, Borat.

Finance Administrator, Lauren Hazlehurst, 20, shed some light on Cutter’s outfit.

Hazlehurst said: “Dave always claims he is as hairy as Borat and wanted to prove this by pulling off a mankini. Borat seems to be his idol.”