March 3, 2011 11.29 am This story is over 166 months old

Surgeon paves way for new injection

Pioneer: A Lincoln surgeon is using a new method to treat tendonitis and tendinosis problems.

A surgeon from Lincoln County Hospital has started a new way of treating tendonitis and tendinosis — with the patients’ own blood.

Professor Mohammad Maqsood (pictured) uses autologus blood injections, meaning he injects patient’s blood from one area into the affected area.

The injection has proved to be effective in treating conditions such as tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, patellar tendinosis, tendo-achilles tendinosis and plantar fasciitis.

Previously, such complaints were treated with steroids and anti-inflammatory medicines, as they were thought to be inflammatory problems.

However, new research shows that the conditions are not inflammatory, but a complaint caused by degeneration of the tendon.

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has approved the insertion of blood into the area after successful clinical trials.

Professor Maqsood said: “We are very fortunate that our own blood contains elements which help degenerative tissue to heal and recover.

“When the blood is injected in the problem area, these chemicals stimulate the tissues and start building up new fibres which repair the tendon and damaged tissues.

“Not many places have started to use this treatment yet, but the trials have shown that patients who are treated in this way recover completely. It is a very effective treatment.”

“The difference with this treatment is that the patient’s own blood is cheap, safe and simple. The treatment has got no side effects and no reactions. It helps the degenerative tendons to heal in a natural way.”

One patient treated by Professor Maqsood, Howard Seton, had tried the procedure for the tendo-achilles tendinosis in his left leg.

“It was a very painful condition and I am incredibly grateful because the treatment was relatively straightforward and has given me movement back in my ankle. I can now walk normally.”

“During the procedure, he took some blood from my arm and injected it into the area of my tendon. There was no incision and it was very quick.

“I then had a bandage on for a few days, and with a little care it has mended beautifully.”

Seton added: “I could thoroughly recommend this treatment.”

Source: ULHT