April 7, 2011 3.49 pm This story is over 165 months old

Lincoln gears up for Grand Prix

Peddling forward: Lincoln gets ready for the cycling Grand Prix, with hundreds of signed up for the weekend event.

Lincoln is preparing for the annual cycling Grand Prix next month, which will have a hint of the 2012 Olympics added to it.

The race on May 8 will have officers from London Olympics Response Command observing, so they can practice their policing and organisation skills.

Organisers of the race and the police will be assisting them study road closures, marshals, stewards, communications and control centres.

The event is a major race event in the UK and is in its 56th year of running.

Many UK teams have signed up to this year’s event, but riders will not be decided until April 11, the closing date for applications.

It is estimated that 106 riders will cycle the 86-miles, 11-laps race, which takes place across uphill Lincoln and Burton village.

The race begins at 10am from Yarborough Leisure Centre and finishes at around 1.30pm on Castle Square.

As well as the main event, local clubs and youngsters will be able to do a smaller circuit around the Castle and Cathedral area.

On May 7, those wanting to race for clubs or leisure can also sign up to two different routes across Lincolnshire too.

The choice is either a 94-miles trek to the Lincolnshire Wolds and back or the 55-miles version. Both start at Bishop Grosseteste College and end in Castle Square.

So far, there have been 182 entries for the long route and 116 for the shorter version.

To find out more about the different races, the Grand Prix history or to sign up, visit www.lincolngrandprix.org.uk.

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Larry Hickmott