April 14, 2011 4.19 pm This story is over 165 months old

Voice of Lincoln: Do we need CCTV?

Voice of Lincoln: We asked the people of Lincoln about CCTV in the city and whether they would feel safe without it.

The City of Lincoln Council’s online consultation on who should pay for the city’s CCTV service, or whether the service should be scrapped entirely, is now closed.

We asked the people of Lincoln about CCTV in the city and whether they would feel safe without it. Their responses are in favour of keeping the cameras:

Andy Clark

Andy Clark (51) of Monks Road, Lincoln, EYG Home Improvement Representative

“I think they should keep the cameras. It’s a deterrent towards crime and also useful in the event of an accident. I think it should stay but I don’t really know where they’re going to make the cuts.”

Sarah Richardson

Sarah Richardson (30) of Ermine, Lincoln

“I think it’s a good thing because if anything gets stolen obviously it’s on camera. You definitely need it there. They should save it definitely. They are there to help, especially at night time when you’re out clubbing and a fight kicks off, if anything happens you’re on camera.”

Denise Christison

Denise Christison (44) of Lincoln, Manager of Spencer Coleman Fine Art

“As one of the shops in the Bail, we’ve had a memo from the council, to give our point of view, and I’ve got that off ASAP to say that we need more cameras. They do catch a certain amount of people.

“I think definitely they’re needed Friday, Saturday and Sunday daytimes and definitely at night. But because of the recession that we’re in at the moment there are more and more people turning to violence and starting to steal more. People and shops need to be more vigilant.”

Wendy Fisher

Wendy Fisher (60) of Lincoln, Sales Assistant at Marks & Spencer

“The cameras definitely make you feel safer, especially walking around at night. If you’ve got nothing to hide then it’s not a problem.”

Lincoln students Vickie Sargent, David Johnson and Danny Johnson

Danny Johnson (20), Lincoln student

“I don’t think they should cut it completely because it’s got purpose. It’s saved me once on a night out. I saw my mates getting pushed around and it all kicked off. One of them had a blade on them. They’d been round mugging people all night. The police were there in 60 seconds. I could’ve had holes punctured into me.”

David Johnson (20), Lincoln student

“I think they do serve a purpose. My mate got beaten up one night on the way home and the lad that did it ran away and hid, and they were there, they found him in like two minutes from the CCTV.”

Vickie Sargent (19), Lincoln student

“Whenever people get in a fight outside the pub the police are there instantly because they follow the CCTV so it does a good job at the end of the night, you need it.”

Lauren has recently graduated from Loughborough University with a Masters in Creative Writing. She enjoys film, literature and kickboxing.