June 6, 2011 10.48 am This story is over 156 months old

Art gallery showcases young local talent

New art: More art is currently being showcased at the Lincoln’s In Vitro art gallery.

Art Gallery In Vitro showcased Lincoln’s artistic talent in a private viewing on Saturday, June 4.

The new exhibition, in The Mall Shopping Centre, will run through June and welcomes the public to view some of the freshest work in Lincoln.

Gallery owner Laura Whitehead said: “I show a lot of different work.

“Paintings, photography, sculpture, jewellery, graphic arts, illustration: anything I find really interesting by anyone who is technically skilled.

“I’m also really into publishing – independent comics and zines, that sort of thing.”

Whitehead, who is a graduate from the University of Lincoln, especially welcomes art from the younger artistic community:

“I do show a lot of work by younger artists – students and graduates who are just starting out in their artistic career.”

Despite only opening in November, the gallery has received great interest from artists wishing to exhibit. Laura was enthusiastic about its progress:

“The private views are getting more and more well attended, more artists are coming from further afield – Birmingham, Nottingham, Cambridge; we’re booking people further and further into the future. It’s going well.”

James Sutton, an artist whose work is featured in the exhibition, praised the work on show:

“It’s certainly different. It’s very individual work. It’s not a lot of the same stuff coming through.”

He commented on his own paintings on show, describing his Science Fiction and “cosmic” influences:

“I like to look at space and nebulas, and just try to grasp and understand it really. The size and matter over what we are, just a pale blue dot.”

He added: “In Vitro is a good place to go, out the way of the hustle and bustle with a nice open space. A nice area of town too, that also helps.”

Sutton isn’t the only person to appreciate the gallery’s out-of-the-way location in The Mall. Patron David Starkey praises how “unexpectedly light” the area is.

“It’s a rather good place to have a gallery. There’s some very eye catching colours as you walk past the door. I do tend to like strong, bold colour.”

The exhibition will be open to the public until June 30.