June 28, 2011 11.18 am This story is over 156 months old

Lincolnshire firefighters get blogging

Firefighters blogging: County firefighters have taken up blogging as part of Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue’s website redesign.

County firefighters have taken up blogging as part of Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue’s website redesign.

The six new blogs are written by the firefighters and aim to give inside look at the workings behind Lincolnshire’s fire service.

You can follow new firefighter Sarah Love’s progress as she starts work for the service having just completed her training, and get behind the scenes information on the service from Chief Fire Officer, Dave Ramscar.

In his first post, Ramscar touches on possible budget cuts for the service:

“For one thing, the effects of the Government Grant Settlement for the county are beginning to come into clear focus with the announcement of the core offer review from LCC and the impact this will have on colleagues’ positions across the county council.

“The full impact on Fire and Rescue will become clearer later in the year once the service delivery review has been completed, but it makes us all mindful of the effects this uncertainty will be having, even now some cross cutting reviews are already taking place and impacting on some of us who work in fire and rescue.”

Station Manager Dave Hopkins is blogging his stop-smoking diary and nine firefighters log their canoe journey from Lincoln to London of over 240 miles.

Hopinks wrote on his blog:

“I’ve tried to quit four or five times before, and I never lasted more than six weeks. It seems like every time I’ve tried to quit, I’m immediately desperate for a smoke – and I start sweating, wondering how many hours I can last.

“I may have failed before, but this time I’m determined. I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to quit smoking and save a wad of cash – which I’m going to invest in my social life.”

Crew Manager Matt King talks about life on the frontline in another blog and new recruit Joe Delee blogs through his firefighter training.