July 28, 2011 10.12 am This story is over 162 months old

Hospital children’s ward moved, renamed

Children’s care: From August 1, the Lincoln Ward will move to its new place in the hospital, closer to the maternity block.

A new day unit for children is being opened at Lincoln County Hospital next week, as part of a programme to improve patient care.

From August 1, the Lincoln Ward will move to its new place in the hospital, closer to the maternity block, and renamed Safari Day Unit.

The ward has eight beds, the latest facilities, and will primarily be used for paediatric assessments and day surgery for young people.

The movement comes after the reshuffle of the children’s inpatient ward in May, and aims to improve care and support for children.

Patient Services Manager for Women’s and Children’s Service Terry Vine said: “The new wards will be brighter and more comfortable for the children and families using our wards.

“They will further improve the care we provide and offer a great dedicated facility for children.

“The new wards will have playrooms, be brighter and more spacious, and give parents more room to stay with their children at their bedside.”

Source: ULHT