July 15, 2011 1.26 pm This story is over 155 months old

University to get new pedestrian crossing

New crossing: Students will be able to benefit a more convenient crossing in front of the Business and Law building.

A new pedestrian crossing will be added along Brayford Wharf East in order to link the University’s Business and Law faculty building to the main campus.

The work will begin on July 25, and the road will be closed for 10 weeks. However, motorists can avoid the road via Brayford Way or the High Street and Wigford Way.

The job involves raising the road in order to level the pedestrian route from the university footbridge over to the Business and Law building entrance.

The crossing has seen both Lincolnshire County Council’s Highways Division and the City of Lincoln Council’s Planning Department get involved.

Senior Technician at Lincolnshire County Council Tom Mumby said: “This work is likely to cause some disruption for motorists in the city as Brayford Wharf East will be closed between the level crossing and Ropewalk.

“However, people can still access the NCP car park from Wigford Way and pedestrians won’t be affected.

“We carry out work like this over the summer holidays because there is less traffic on the roads which means disruption is kept to a minimum.

“We will have diversions in place and we’d like to thank people for their patience and understanding while the work takes place.”

Development Control Manager and the City Council Paul Seddon said: “As well as being an important safety measure, the new crossing will help to improve the pedestrian links between the university campus and the city centre.

“This improvement is in line with our ambitions to ease pedestrian movements within the city centre, an important aim of the City Centre Master Plan.”

Companies and residents along the street, as well as Network Rail, emergency services and bus companies have been informed about the work.

Source: Lincolnshire County Council