July 22, 2011 3.06 pm This story is over 155 months old

Voice of Lincoln: Harry Potter hysteria

Potter paradise: The final Harry Potter film is in cinemas now, but what do Lincolnites think of the film?

A week after its general release, part 2 of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows is still working its magic on the spellbound nation. The film took over £9 million during its opening day in the UK, smashing the record held by its predecessor, part 1.

Some queued. Some even camped. But did Lincolnites join the hordes of Harry Potter fans as they flocked to see the final instalment of the fantastical franchise, despite the highest cinema ticket prices in the region?

Amanda Shelbourne (43) Lincoln, speech and language therapist

“I really enjoyed the books. I have two children who also really enjoy the books and we’ve seen most of the films. We’re hoping to go tomorrow to see the last one. If I can find somewhere cheaper than the Odeon we may well do that. We don’t go to the cinema very often but it’s a treat. It’s also a family member’s birthday this week so we thought we’d treat ourselves.”

Lynn McEwan (42) Lincoln, teacher

“I absolutely love the books and the films were brilliant. The only disappointing thing was the price you had to pay to watch it at the Odeon. I’ll always go back and read them again and again. Everyone’s absolutely hooked.”


Brendan Lawlor (23) Lincoln, care home worker

“I read all of the books when they came out but I’ve not really paid much attention to the films really.

I prefer books over films because you can make it your own. But everyone has their own representation. I’ve watched a few but not the most recent ones. When they bring out a box set I may be more interested in buying it and watching them all.

“[The amount the film has made] is crazy. J K Rowling will be rolling in it now. But [the price] is ridiculous. I’ll only go on a Wednesday and I still feel a bit like I’m being robbed. The one in Woodhall Spa is a bit of a trek but it’s a lot cheaper.”

Kate Leal (30) Lincoln, full time mum

“I have only recently read the last two novels in light of the film. I think it’s great; it’s encouraging children to read more. My daughter’s started reading them all from the beginning again. I think it’s really positive. I have seen all of the films, but not at the cinema because it’s too expensive.

“[The Odeon prices] are ridiculous. It’s much too expensive to take a family of four to the Odeon regularly. I did take my daughter last year and it was about £20 for two of us. It was ridiculous. We’d rather wait until it’s out on DVD as it’s cheaper and you get to keep it as well. [Deathly Hallows] been really hyped up. Adults will have to take their children to see it because they’ve read it.”

Kyle McCarthy (24) Newark, railway worker

“I can’t stand [Harry Potter]. It’s all a bit too camp for my liking. I know a few mates who have enjoyed it but it’s not my scene.

“The last thing I went to see was Transformers. I go the cinema in Newark. Reel Cinema is a couple of quid cheaper [than the Odeon].”

Main photo: Hey U Guys