September 23, 2011 2.12 pm This story is over 153 months old

Graduate takes on commando course for charity

Tough course: A once-local will be shortly battling the outdoors an a 10K Royal Marines course, for charity.

A University of Lincoln graduate will be taking on the tough Royal Marines Commando course for charity.

Rebecca Mayo (28), studied recreation management in Lincoln, and now works as the Forestry Commission ranger for Sherwood Pines Forest Park.

She will be joining a team of seven as she takes on the Royal Marines 10K Challenge on October 8 to raise at least £500 for the C-Group charity.

Mayo will have to wade through peat bogs, swim through water, scramble through dark tunnels and yomp over six miles of rough terrain.

She said: “It’s a course designed for Commandos so I’m approaching it with a bit of trepidation despite my experience.

“But it’s all for good cause. I’m in a team of eight so we’ll keep each other going right to the end.” C-Group is a charity set up to help rehabilitate injured Royal Marines.

If you would like to sponsor her, go to her Just Giving Page.