September 7, 2011 10.34 am This story is over 153 months old

Lincoln council car parks dim lights for the environment

Much greener: Car parks in Lincoln are getting lighting overhauls to reduce carbon emissions and save money.

New lighting systems have been installed at two of Lincoln’s council car parks, aiming to help the environment and save money.

Photocell sensors have been installed at Broadgate Car Park and Lucy Tower Car Park. The sensors adjust the lighting according to natural light.

When artificial light isn’t required, the photocells are turned off, potentially saving up to £9,000 a year.

Broadgate Car Park also now has LED lighting — this is meant to reduce electricity consumption by 50%, saving some £14,000 per year.

The City of Lincoln Council are hoping to expand the energy-saving measures for other locations in Lincoln, as part of one the strategic priorities.

The council’s energy-saving scheme will help to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by around 140 tonnes a year.

Councillor Fay Smith, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services and Public Protection said: “Installing environmentally friendly lighting is just one of the measures we have planned at our car parks.

“We’re committed to reducing the city’s carbon footprint, and encourage all households in Lincoln to help us.

“We’re making positive changes in our car parks, so I would ask Lincoln people to please think about doing the same in their own homes and switch to energy-saving lightbulbs too.”

Source: City of Lincoln Council