September 13, 2011 3.15 pm This story is over 153 months old

New entertainment for kids at city hospital

Donations The children’s wards at Lincoln County Hospital have been donated new mobile entertainment units.

Photo (L-R): Children visiting the hospital along with Sue Grimes, Healthcare Support Worker, and Carol Blakeborough, Play Specialist on the Safari Unit

The children’s wards at Lincoln County Hospital have been donated new mobile entertainment units as part of Play in Hospital Week.

Starlight Children’s Foundation, a national charity, has donated the fun centres to United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, to provide entertainment for children and young people undergoing treatment at Lincoln County Hospital.

The mobile units include a Nintendo Wii console, four Nintendo DSi’s, DVD and Blu-ray player and a flat screen TV. They also have internet access.

Sue Grimes, Healthcare Support Worker, at Lincoln County Hospital, said: “The units have not been with us for long but they are already proving really popular with patients.

“The Starlight fun centres can be used in a number of ways to entertain and distract children during their hospital visit.

“We would like to thank Starlight for their kind donation to the children’s wards, which will be enjoyed by many children.”

Play in Hospital Week is a week-long initiative, which aims to promote the value of play for children and young people in hospitals throughout the UK.

Over one thousand mobile entertainment units have been donated to hospitals and hospices throughout the country.

Source: ULHT