October 26, 2011 11.36 am This story is over 152 months old

Lincoln officials meet with Transport Minister

Discussions: Karl McCartney and Ric Metcalfe met with Theresa Villiers to discuss Lincoln’s transport problems.

Lincoln MP Karl McCartney, leader of the City of Lincoln Council Ric Metcalfe and several officers from the City and County Council met with Transport Minister Theresa Villiers to discuss transport issues in the city.

The main topics discussed at the meeting held on October 25 were Lincoln’s problem with level crossings causing standstills in the city, as well as additional train services from Lincoln to London.

The barriers on the High Street and Brayford Wharf East could possibly increase in downtime, causing congestion throughout Lincoln.

However, two new roads are being built in order to avoid congestion: the East West Link Road development and the ongoing push for the Eastern Bypass link.

The East-West Link road would pedestrianise the High Street from the St Mary’s junction to St Mark’s, and Tentercroft Street continued to Canwick Road.

This woud mean traffic in the city could avoid the crossing altogether by going over Pelham Bridge.

Since being elected in May 2010, Karl McCartney has already managed to push for a better Lincoln to London direct train service.

There are now two daily services travelling direct to London Kings Cross from Lincoln Central, however at the meeting he also discussed the frequency of the journey.

The Eastern Bypass would allow more traffic to go around the city rather than through it, easing congestion. However, it has received a few deviations from the original plan due to funding.

Karl McCartney was optimistic that the meeting with the Government Minister went well.

He said: “Yesterday’s meeting with the Transport Minister, Theresa Villiers, was helpful […] in setting out our requirements and thoughts on a number of rail transport issues affecting Lincoln and Lincolnshire.

“It is too early to know how productive the meeting will prove to be, but I and the other attendees from the County and City Councils are hopeful that we can over the coming months further build on our useful discussions with the Minister.

“Resolving Lincoln’s many transport problems will be a hard slog, but, be in no doubt, my priority as the Member of Parliament for Lincoln is to ensure our city’s transport system is modern, fit for the 21st century and will help keep our local economy moving in the right direction.”

Photo: Adam Rhoades