October 31, 2011 10.20 am This story is over 152 months old

Union leader rallies for strike action

Strike action: A public sector union leader will be calling for strikes against pension cuts.

A union leader rallying for strike action against pension cuts will address public sector workers on November 15 at the Newland Street Labour Club in Lincoln.

General Secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), Mark Serwotka, will be aiming his speech at those employed in government offices such as tax offices, job centres and courts.

The action is against public sector workers facing a longer working life and paying more for a smaller pension as well as a two-year pay freeze and job cuts.

Assistant Secretary for the PCS branch in Lincoln, Nick Parker, claims that a young PCS worker in the Department of Work and Pensions stands to lose more than £150,000 as a result of the new plans.

“The Government is using every trick in the book to attack this campaign and the PCS rejects the idea that there is no money to pay pensions – just witness the massive bonuses that get paid each year by wealthy bankers.

“The PCS believes if workers act together, we can win victories, Union members defended pensions in 2005 by threatening strike action and we are confident that we can do so again.”

The meeting is open to the public and will take place from 5.30pm to 7.30pm November 15.

A representative of the UNISON Lincolnshire Local Government branch and other local trade unionists will also be speaking.