January 5, 2012 12.07 pm This story is over 149 months old

City hospital tackles violence against staff after 90 cases

Hospital violence: Hospitals will work with police to prosecute those tho commit violence against health workers in Lincolnshire.

A new campaign has been launched in Lincolnshire after more than 177 violent incidents against county hospital staff were recorded from 2010 to 2011.

At Lincoln County Hospital 90 cases were reported, followed by 65 at Pilgrim Hospital in Boston, 17 Grantham and District Hospital and five at Skegness Hospital.

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust launched a new violence and aggression policy to highlight that violent and aggressive behaviour towards staff will not be tolerated in any hospital managed by the Trust.

The Trust’s new policy explains these actions will not be accepted and details staff can call for police assistance if required.

Lance Morgan, Local Security Management, said: “Fortunately it is rare for serious assaults to occur although the level of harm to any individual can be devastating.

“No one expects to be treated in an aggressive or violent manner during their work and we assess the different factors which may lead to incidents and try to prevent these from happening.”

In some cases, the Trust said it will fully co-operate with the police to prosecute offenders.

Inspector Pat Coates, from Lincolnshire Police, said: “No member of staff employed by the United Lincolnshire NHS Trust should be subjected to violence or aggression from a patient, their relative or friend when the staff are trying to help them.

“Lincolnshire Police works closely with the Trust and its staff to prevent such instances and this behaviour will not be accepted. Offenders will be prosecuted.”

Source: ULHT