September 11, 2012 2.05 pm This story is over 141 months old

Lincoln mum: Get your body back after your baby

Mummy matters: In this new column series, Janie Pengilly looks at ways of getting back your pre-baby shape locally.

— Janie Pengilly is a Lincoln mum of two, both under the age of 4, that keep her busy. As well as being a stay-at-home mum, she is also the editor of the new online magazine, Lincoln Mums. In the first column of the series, Janie looks at post-baby figures and local places mothers can get back into shape.

It’s the universal struggle for mum after baby: will I ever get my body back, and where do I start?

If you’re anything like I was after my first baby, you can feel like you almost have a new body. While I was reluctant to accept this new body for the long-term, the thought of exercise (particularly in front of other people) seemed really daunting.

At first, I tried all sorts; from buying an exercise bike (which actually makes a very good clothes horse) to trying to do exercise DVDs (amazing how babe always wakes up just as you are ready or have just begun the warm-up!) to running with the baby in the buggy (with hefty strapping for those breast-feeding boobs) but I never really found anything that worked for me.

I had my two children in quite quick succession, with only 21 months between them, and with a husband who works long hours, a lot of the time I felt like doing exercising was close to impossible.

Classes for mothers in Lincoln

I have explored a number of exercise options for mums. Whether you have a fresh baby, toddler or more than one, there is a way of exercising that doesn’t break the bank, and you don’t have to worry about childcare — mum and baby fitness groups.

For example, Ladybugs Fitness is a local Lincoln company set up by Cathy Burton. They offer two different types of classes that depend on your child’s age — a mum and baby Pilates/fitness class, and a Family Fit Camp.

The mum and baby class is a lovely, warm environment for mums with babies from six weeks up to when crawling confidently. With exercises that have a mum’s body in mind, from strengthening that pelvic floor to trying to get those stomach muscles back into shape.

Kim at Get Mummy Fit also runs classes in Lincoln throughout the week during the day that incorporate you and your buggy. They also run a get mummy running class.

Jacquie at Brand New U offers a variety of classes for mums (without their babes) around Lincoln throughout the week. Classes include Pilates, Zumba and Aqua Blast.

Be reassured that you’re not alone, and make sure you wait for your baby to get to around 6-8 weeks old and been given the all clear from your GP before you start to get that body back.

Elizabeth was the Associate Editor of The Lincolnite until December 2014.