October 31, 2012 1.51 pm This story is over 147 months old

Lincoln mosque designs to go before planners

One step closer: Detailed designs for a new mosque in Lincoln are set to go before city planners in November.

Detailed designs for a new mosque on the former dairy site on the corner of Dixon Street and Boultham Park Road will go before Lincoln planners on November 7.

The City Council’s Planning Committee will discuss the scale, appearance and layout of the development having given outline permission for the mosque to be built on the old Boultham Dairy site a year ago.

The mosque forms part of plans for the redevelopment of the site, which also include a proposed Lidl supermarket, housing and associated parking.

The plans from the Islamic Association of Lincoln show a two storey building topped by a 12-metres high domed tower.

The building will also include a community and teaching hall, along with dedicated parking for 68 cars and cycle storage spaces.

Buff/yellow bricks would be used for the building with coated aluminium windows and the roof would be clad in a dark grey membrane to look like traditional lead sheeting.

In their report to the committee planning officers say: “The materials have been chosen to reflect the surrounding character and particularly the brick reflects the use of similar materials on other civic and religious buildings in the city.

“Overall, the building represents a well mannered design which sits comfortably in its context.”

The main vehicle and pedestrian access to the site would be from Dixon Street and the Highways Authority has raised no objections to the plan.

Trees and landscaping round the boundary of the site will screen it from the surrounding area.

Conditions for the development to go-ahead include a requirement for the developer to make a contribution to the upgrading of the pedestrian crossing at the Dixon Street/Boultham Park Road junction before work begins on the site.

The report concludes “the development will fit satisfactorily into its local context” and recommends permission for the plan to be granted.

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