January 25, 2013 9.38 am This story is over 144 months old

Lincolnshire GCSE results above the national average

Better than average: Schools in Lincolnshire are performing better than the UK average in GCSE results, and council-maintained schools outperform academies.

National league tables published this week show Lincolnshire pupils scored above the UK average in their GCSEs in 2012.

The GCSE results for 16-year-olds in the county getting five A*-C grades (including English and Maths) were 62.1%, 3.3% above the national average.

Pupils getting five A*-C grades in any subjects were at 85.9%, 2.9% above average, and 96% of all children had five or more A*-G grades.

The number of pupils getting the English Baccalaureate increased by 2% in Lincolnshire to 20.6%. The UK average is 16.2%.

Schools maintained by Lincolnshire County Council outperformed academies slightly; maintained schools achieved 66% five A*-C grades (including English and Maths), while academies averaged 62%.

Executive Councillor for Children’s Services, Patricia Bradwell said: “Once more Lincolnshire students have achieved some fantastic results, whether in schools, academies or colleges.

“It is pleasing to see results continue to improve year after year. The achievements and qualifications gained by young people should help towards securing jobs and other opportunities.

“Together with their parents, carers and teachers, they all deserve recognition for an outstanding year of success for Lincolnshire.”