January 9, 2013 12.35 pm This story is over 144 months old

Lincolnshire Police Chief Constable changes senior structure

Policing changes: The Chief Constable of Lincolnshire Police has made changes in the force’s senior management in the new year.

Lincolnshire Police Chief Constable Neil Rhodes has made changes to some of the top positions in the county with the aim to improve policing operations.

In order to get senior officers closer to the front line of support, he made a number of changes to the management structure.

The changes will take place over the next six months, with some already in place, like basing a Chief Superintendent and Superintendent team in Boston and Lincoln to cover the east and west of Lincolnshire.

The new arrangement of senior officers. Photo: Lincolnshire Police

The new arrangement of senior officers. Photo: Lincolnshire Police

In Lincoln, Chief Superintendent Lee Freeman will work alongside Superintendent Paul Gibson while at Boston, Acting Chief Superintendent Paula Wood will be supported by Acting Superintendent Keiran English.

These teams will have to establish “effective management structures and processes” to improve performance and relationship with local communities, local authorities and partner agencies.

Additionally, responsibility of investigating volume crime will move from Crime Support at HQ and fall onto a Detective Chief Inspector, based at Lincoln and Boston.

Due the absence of Head of Crime Support at HQ while on a course, the role will be covered by current Director of Intelligence, Superintendent Keith Owen who gets the rank of Detective Chief Superintendent, Head of Crime Support.

On the return of Head of Crime Support in April, a combined Operations and Crime Command will be created, with the help of Chief Superintendent Russ Hardy, which will eventually be led by a Chief Superintendent.

Chief Constable Rhodes said: “I am really excited about the changes to our policing structure.

“During the current financial year we have already seen excellent performance with 14% reduction in crime, which means 5,000 fewer victims of crime in the first nine months of this year compared with the previous year.

“The new east-west command structure is designed to enable the force to build on this excellent performance in the years ahead and to provide enhanced engagement with our communities, partners and stakeholders.”

Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire, Alan Hardwick commented: “I fully support the new policing model and I have every confidence that, with goodwill and flexibility it will operate to the greater benefit of the force and the people of Lincolnshire.”