March 1, 2013 9.24 am This story is over 135 months old

Most Lincolnshire pupils get first choice secondary school

First choice: The majority of pupils in Lincolnshire got their first choice in secondary schools this year, in time for September 2013.

Most children in Lincolnshire have received their first preference secondary school for September 2013.

Lincolnshire County Council sent out letter to parents on February 28, and of the 7,063 offers made, 94% (6,633) managed to get their first choice school.

Second preference offers were at 5.5%, while only 20 pupils (0.3%) will get just their third preference. 24 children have been offered a local school which isn’t on their preference list.

More than 96% of parents used the online application system to apply, and they can log back on to the page to see their offered school from Friday, March 1.

There are 54 secondary schools in Lincolnshire, but only 4 use the local authority admissions policy.

Parents have until the end of March to lodge an appeal if they are unhappy with the offered school. Late submissions will still be heard but there could be a long delay in a result.

There is still a possibility that the percentage getting their first choice could rise, because of appeals and movement on the reserve list.

Councillor Mrs Patricia Bradwell, Executive Councillor for Children’s Services, said: “I am delighted to see so many children getting their first school of preference and this should be even better by September.

“It is always our intention to support as many parents as possible with their choice of school.

“There are many stories about how stressful the admissions process can be but every year the overwhelming majority of parents have no problems in gaining admission to the school of their choice.”