March 14, 2013 12.19 pm This story is over 135 months old

Vision set out for Brayford Pool improvements in Lincoln

Connecting Brayford Pool: The Brayford Trust has developed a ‘Vision for the Brayford’ that involves creating a circular route around Brayford Pool.

The Brayford Trust has developed new plans for Lincoln that involve creating a circular route around Brayford Pool and two new bridges.

The new bridges would be suitable for both pedestrians and cyclists, connected with walkways around the northern eastern and southern sides of the pool and linking with the proposed railway bridge on Brayford Wharf East.

The design also incorporates changes to the marina and swan jetty.

The trust is currently seeking funding for the bridges and the project will be assessed over the next few months by the Department for Communities and Local Government.

A Brayford Trust spokesman said: “We believe that better connection of the different areas around the Pool would help make central Lincoln a better place to walk and cycle through and in which to live, work and study.

“Brayford Pool is a fundamental part of historic Lincoln, both as a destination and as a connection between the city centre and the adjacent areas of Boutham and Carholme.”

The new bridge designs from Network Rail, by Stem Architects

The new bridge designs from Network Rail, by Stem Architects

The trust is now consulting residents on their views for the pedestrian access and connectivity that the bridges will bring to central Lincoln via an online survey.

Trust representatives also plan to hold discussions with local community and residents groups as well as Brayford Business Forum, Lincoln BIG and other interested parties.