April 29, 2013 4.09 pm This story is over 134 months old

Lincoln man runs 100 miles for tumour charity

Running for Claudia: A Lincoln man will run 100 miles without sleep to raise money for brain tumour awareness.

A Lincoln resident will run 100 miles non-stop between Devon and Cornwall to help raise money for a sick Lincoln child.

On May 25, David Chesher will run from Wadebridge, Devon to Teignmouth in Cornwall as part of the Camel-Teign Ivor’s Dream 100 event.

David has just 48 hours to do the event alongside 500 other runners, starting at 9.30am, meaning he has no time to sleep.

He will be raising money for HeadSmart, a charity dedicated to helping those brain tumours, which he picked with the help of Annie, the mother of Claudia (7), a Lincoln child suffering with an inoperable tumour, Metastatic PineoBlastoma.

He said: “I simply know Annie and Claudia through the Facebook page ‘Claudia’s Cause’ I donated an item to one of their flash auctions and thought that I could do more to help raise money and awareness for HeadSmart.”

David first got into marathon and ultra marathon running through his dad, another keen runner.

He then attended the Long Distance Walking Association, which host a number of marathon events that can be walked, giving David a feel for navigating cross country.

This will be the first event he has run for charity, and will also be the longest run he completed.

He added: “It is hard to train for an ultra marathon as it is very time consuming to get out and do the hours of running needed every night.

“It’s all about getting the miles in the legs, even if it’s walking, it all helps.

“The weather has been less then nice for the past few months, running in the snow is dangerous, so I have been putting in the time on the exercise bike, this is also good as it is less impact on the knees. Now that the weather has picked up and the evenins have got lighter it will defiantly help me get out for some good long runs.”

You can find out more about Claudia on Claudia’s Cause, or help David raise more money for charity by visiting his My Donate page.