April 22, 2013 1.47 pm This story is over 134 months old

Police warning after new spate of Lincoln car crimes

Car crime: Lincolnshire Police are asking residents to be vigilant after a rise in thefts from cars in Lincoln recently.

Lincolnshire Police are reminding people to not leave items in their cars after a recent spate of car thefts in Lincoln.

On April 21 between 7pm and 9pm on Cardinal Close, Lincoln, thieves smashed the window of a Peugeot 207 and stole a laptop and bag of clothes.

This type of crime has been particularly prevalent in the north of Lincoln and West End. In the West End recently, a number of Peugeot 106 and 206’s were broken into by forcing doors.

Officers are urging residents not to leave property in their cars when left unattended, and to remember to lock their cars.

For more useful vehicle crime prevention tips, visit the Lincolnshire Police’s website.

To report a car crime, call Lincolnshire Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.