April 10, 2013 12.07 pm This story is over 134 months old

Ten Lincolnshire construction sites found breaching regulations

Dangerous sites: The Health and Safety Executive handed enforcement notices to a number of sites across the county for failing health regulations.

A number of construction sites in the Lincolnshire region have been handed enforcement notices after failing to reach the correct safety standards.

Inspectors for the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) gave out 10 notices to sites out of the 39 they inspected during a month-long clampdown.

The clampdown is part of a national scheme to reduce death, injury and ill health on building sites.

In 2011/12, there were 38 construction workers were seriously injured in Lincolnshire.

The 10 sites did not meet the minimum legal standards for health and safety, with nine needing Prohibition Notices to stop some work activities immediately.

The sites were all undertaking refurbishment or repair work, as this is considering one of the UK’s most dangerous industries.

HSE did not disclose which sites were handed the notices or what were the exact breaches.

The visits were unannounced so inspectors could see how the sites dealt with “high-risk” activity, such as working at a height, and they also looked for good order, welfare facilities, and appropriate use of protective equipment.

Richard Lockwood, HSE’s Principal Inspector for Construction in Lincolnshire, said: “It’s good news that the majority of the construction sites we visited were obeying the law but sadly some sites are letting down the rest of the industry.

“Unsafe work at height, exposure to dangerous types of dust and inadequate washing facilities were among the poor standards we found on some sites.

“I hope by carrying out these spot checks we will help to raise awareness of the dangers and reduce the number of construction workers being killed or seriously injured at work.”