May 30, 2013 9.59 am This story is over 133 months old

Lincoln council van goes electric

Getting greener: The City of Lincoln Council added an electric van to its vehicle fleet, which can manage 75 miles on a single charge.

The City of Lincoln Council added an electric van to its vehicle fleet, which can manage 75 miles on a single charge, and can also charge when the brakes are applied.

The £17,000 van will be used by the council’s parking team. Is is emission and noise free, and will replace one of the diesel vans.

The vehicle takes around three hours to charge and has already been tested by the parking team as they travel to different car parks in the city.

The van should help the council save on fuel costs and maintenance charges. If successful, more of the electric vans and cars will be added to the fleet.

Rod Williamson, City Services Team Leader, said: “This new van is an important addition to both the parking team and the council as a whole.

“The authority has recently signed the Climate Local Commitment to reduce the city’s carbon footprint, and this is just one way we are working towards this.

“If this pilot goes well, consideration would be given to replacing all of the council’s vehicles with electric models.”

The council is the third local organisation to adopt electric cars, following Lindum and the University of Lincoln.